'Dancing Blue'(2016)
USC group production
This is a visual music project by Chung-Hsuan Fan Chiang, Junyi Xiao, Peter Zhou (alphabetical order) from MFA animation of University of Southern California. 
Original music by Shih-Yu, Huang. (Berklee College of Music)
The very first idea came from the song 'Swing Set' by Jurrasic Five. I did some concept of the characters and was about to animate it to the song. 
With more people joining this project, more elements and ideas were flashed out. The piece was then divided into three parts, in which the blue characters transformed from a human-shaped creature to dancing legs, and eventually into abstract forms.
Special thanks to faculty advisor - Michael Patterson.
'Dancing Blue'

'Dancing Blue'

A visual music group project produced in USC, 2016.


Creative Fields